
I love making things. Fabric, yarn, fibre, paper, paint and print are my tools of choice. The necessities of life generally manage to get in the way of my need to create , so it all tends to get a bit erratic. Exactly as the blog title suggests.

Here is my attempt to organise things and keep a record of my efforts.

My little Folksy shop is taking a holiday for a while but I hope to re-open soon and sell things that I have made for the sheer pleasure, but are surplus to my needs.

19 May 2013

A happy co-incidence...

... I have just finished my first weaving project.

Two table mats - not because I had an urgent need for table mats, but more because  I did not need a scarf or want to make another bag,

The colours were just what was available. No hours of pouring over colour charts. No real planning.

I took the mats into the back garden for a photo shoot.

Put the camera away.

Stepped out of my front door to go shopping.

To find....

I knew I should have added a touch of green!

1 comment:

  1. What a fantastic bit of weaving...well done...

